Leura NSW 2780
Blue Mountains Australia
1.5 hours drive away from Sydney, you will find the Blue Mountains. I've come here many a times for nature walks in Wentworth falls. BUt this time, we went abit further, to explore Katoomba & the famous three sisters rocks.
My friend's Trish & Joseph, and Mel, all suggested coming to Bygone Beauties for scones & antiques! So after a nice & relaxing stroll through the Katoomba bushwalk, we headed over for some tea.

There is parking out the back, and there were a lot of people coming in & out but they seemed to be parking on the street. We got a spot in the back, and walked around (the long way ) to the entrance eheh (mianly so i could get the photo above). Later on realising that if we had walked the other way - it would of been half the distance..

The store is full of antique toys & knick knacks, this teddy was perched in front of me on a sort-of pillar, so cute!

Lots of cabinets full of brooches, mini toys, jewellry, figurines, and lots of other shiny things.

There are only about 10-15 small tables in this room, we got a table for two right in the centre.

It took a while to get served (even after a lot of waving our hands around). So i was admiring the things in the cabinet beside me. I think i saw a brooch worth $700..

I ordered a pot of japanese green tea ($4.95), while Richard got a pot of peppermint tea $4.35 (i can't stand peppermint in tea, its just tastes really wrong in my mouth..)

A plate of sandwiches with 8 points was about $15. 8 points meaning 8 pieces .. i had to ask i wasnt sure hehe. The bread was about 2 or 3 days old, it definitely wasn't fresh bread. Inside had cheese, lettuce & tomato, plain & simple - but filled us up and we also had a large pot of tea to go with it.

As we were eating we admired the teapots along the walls, this place houses over 3000 teapots on display! (not for sale i don't think so otherwise they probably wouldn't have so many hehe).

We were too full for scones, (and from seeing it served to the other patrons, it didn't look that great anyway. So up we got and explored the place some more. From the outside, you couldn't imagine how many things they fit in this small little house. SOmething in every nook & cranny, absolutely NO spare space at all, everysingle space was filled with something. Not more than one person fitting through the walk ways it was a very tight squeeze (especially with my back pack on hehe).

This doll reminded me of those golliwog biscuits - does anyone remember them? they were dark brown dark chocolate biscuits in the shape of.. this doll. Quite freaky i think

When we were done browsing we headed to the front to pay. & found out there was a minimum of $30 eftpos (and we had no cash!) ANd we had about $7 to spend to reach $30... so back into the shop to find something worth $12..
I ended up picking one of these cute mini teapot sets. Yup that's blutack holding it all together hehe. This was $12.95, the cheapest cutest thing i found. Got it for my little sister she loves it hehe.

To show you how miniature it is, i've taken a photo with a 5 cent coin. Tiny yeah?

I really thank Trish Joeseph & Mel for reccomending this place to visit while we were in Katoomba. I could've spent hours in the shops, but refrain from buying anything as my room is already too full of useless junk hehe.
When I was little I used to collect mini tea sets. The one you bought brought back old memories. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
That'a golliwog doll, that's why it looks like those biscuits! I love that strawberry set, by the way.
It's beautiful. note taken for my next trip to katoomba.
I love Bygone Beautys! If you have the stomach space the High Tea is worth having as it's brought out with such a flourish!
Squeee! at the tiny teaset! So small and so cute. I really want to go the the Blue Mountains now and check out those shops (and scones, not sandwiches!)
Oh my goodness - an entire wall of teapots!! Heaven!
Everything is so cute Betty - I particularly love the high tea stand and the teddy bear. Thanks for posting such a great find!
Bygone Beautys is one of those tiny nooks that is so full of history, colour, and you know that every plate, every cup, every cake stand has a story to tell! Oh, and the food's amazing! Glad you liked the place because I totally enjoyed my time there!!!
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