The Rocks
In the middle of the world famous weekend 'Rocks Markets'
Open weekends 10am-5pm.
I've read about Tara Tea room here & here, & because we were waiting for our ferry to Cockatoo Island, had about 35 minutes to spare, we went looking for this place.
It seemed to be a place that stood out, because they are constantly baking scones through out the day, & have a clock board outside showing when the last batch were taken out of the oven hehe i found this so cute, wish i took a photo!
Walking around the rocks, for about 5 minutes i rang Betty, asked if she knew where it was. She wasn't sure. but told me it was next to a min pub on the main road where the rocks markets are situated. Guess what? I was standing right in front of it lols.

It was a gorgeous sunny day, & lucky for us there was a seat outside in the warm sun :)
Richard went inside to order for us, while i got out my camera, ready to take some pictures hehe.
The tea didn't take too long to come out, Richard ordered mint tea, i went with the classes english breakfast tea.

Our pots came out covered in cosies which were soooo damn cutE! Richard the goof didn't take if off before pouring out some tea, and got his partially wet haha silly bugger..
The scones came out shortly after, both served with some strawberry jam & cream. I think they werent enough, i had to scab some of Richards' hehe.
With Richard, he doesnt over do it with the jam & cream which works perfectly for me haha.

The plain scones weren't as nice as i've had before (nothing beats the scones from QVB's tea room). But the fact that they were fresh made up for it.
With Richard, he doesnt over do it with the jam & cream which works perfectly for me haha.
maple scones
The maple scones, omg were the bomB! The crunchy top layer was sweet & sugary, went SO well with the soft scone insides.
plain scones

The plain scones weren't as nice as i've had before (nothing beats the scones from QVB's tea room). But the fact that they were fresh made up for it.
We were so relaxed under the sun drinking our tea, before we knew it, it was time to dash before we missed out ferry to Cockatoo island!
Gotta love that awesome natural lighting! The photos are really good babes :)
Keep up the great work!
Oh I know what you mean, it's quite easy to miss! The cosies are the cutest thing every hey? Omg those maple scones look so good, were they special ones or a regular on the menu? They look better than the plain scones, and the date scones I had there :)
Hehe. That was so funny and random when you called me! The tea cossies are so cute! And the maple scones sound delicious!! MM.... nothing beats the scones at the tea room though! Love the new banner btw!
Ahhhh the maple scones look very gooood!
came to think of it, it's been awhile since the last time I had any kind of scones. gotta get me some!
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