88 Audley Street
Petersham NSW 2049
ph: 9569 7534
Bookings i assume are essential, as this place has been packed full on - both times that i've been here. Yes, i went back, again. The first time, a massive banquet, where David just kept sending out food, & more food, until we were begging him to stop..
I ate sooo much that night. A few weeks later, an email sent around from Karen, asking if we'd endure another round of dinner at the same place. We were all quite enthusiastic, & looking forward to expanding out waistlines yet again..
This time, i trained :) I drank HEAPS of water all day, in hope of 'stretching' my stomach, to be able to eat more! & i think it worked, because even byt the end of the night, i wasn't OVERLY full.
We skipped most of the original entrees, but the dips were the first to come out. This time i learned, NOT to fill my self up with the dips & bread! haha.
Assorted dips serve with bread

assortments: haloumi nuggets, pan fried haloumi, fig
I was glad, these came out early, because i really liked the haloumi (both fried & grilled).
greek salad

The greek salad was not touch muched, mainly for the reason that we KNEW there was MUCH more food to come, and it'd be a waste to get full on the salad way too early in the night.
These were passed down to be first, as i was the lone vegetarian. The fritters were golden & crisp, fritters are something so simple to make i think i'll try and make some at home.. they would've been nicer, served with some sort of dip! Possibly tzatziki.
These patties, were lovely. The chunky filling, contrasted well with the thin layer of crisp fried bread crumbs, i ate 2 pieces hehe..
I'm not a fan of pickled artichoke, unless it was in a foccacia with other things. The vinegar, was abit too strong (this is just me, i'm not a 'pickled' fan of many things).
Again, these were passed to me first (after everyone took a photo first ofcourse!). I love the thick pastry on these, and the flavours of the beetroot and pumpkin went together miraculously.
mulloway kaklava

lobster mousakka

desert dolmathes

These were something new, that we didnt get at our first visit. A creamy rice pudding, wrapped in vine leaves. Most of the group kidn of ate it, and shrugged our shoulders, cocked our heads to the side. For me, it wasn't one of my favourites because .. well the textures didn't go well together. The rice pudding sort of just splurt out, when you bite into it. This dish would've taken abit longer to make i think, it'd be a bit tricky using such delicate leaves?
lemon icecream, olive icecream

A classic bowl of icecream? i think not! I remember the olive icecream from last time. I liked it, as you swallow the icecream, olive flavour kidn of tags along afterwards and leaves a trail of its unique taste.
The lemon icecream though, was something different aswell! Quite nice :)
baklava icecream & bougatsa
This would have to be my favourite. I'm a HUGE fan of baklava, & to have the flavour in an icecream is just delightful. Paired with the bougatsa, it makes an excellent pair.
turkish delight

I don't like turkish delight, i never have, never will. I just don't like the texture... the taste. The sweetness of it. Call me wierd, i just don't like it at all.
This was sickenly sweet i remember, so the cream lightened it alot. Cold cream, hot brioche. Yum.
We also got a tiny glass cup of this... desert alcohol, Lemnos Muscat Dessert Wine. I didn't really like it at all, it was very strong.. & from what i saw, not many people finished it.
Have we covered the whole menu of perama, in two sessions? I think we did.. Perama is a great place to dine out with a large group of people (just like both the times i went) because you get to try so many things.
If i were to come back i would order... the zucchini fritters, chick pea patties, fried halmoumi nuggets, filo pumpkin pie, baklava icecream & bougatsa. Who's coming with me?? :)
Fantastic photos, Betty!!!!!!!!! That macro lens is really shizzying everything up, eh? Anyway how many times have you been to Perama? oohhh all those wonderful food mmmmmmm
Wooo I've been dying to try this place after seeing all the great pictures everywhere! (and I'm not too far from the restaurant after all!)
i want to go i want to go!
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